The Lawn Techs Blog
Information, reminders, tips, and more about lawn care, plant health care, and outdoor pest control.
Information, reminders, tips, and more about lawn care, plant health care, and outdoor pest control.
Deer feeding on your trees and shrubs can cause costly landscape damage while infesting your property with ticks and deer droppings. Stop deer damage now! We have your winter deer repellent solution.
Stopping deer damage over the winter is really not that hard, the most effective and affordable way is to apply a thiram deer repellent to stop them. There are only a few deer repellent products that will actually work and we know which ones.
What is the best deer repellent? The Lawn Techs uses a new proven and tested professional thiram deer repellent called Deer Pro. One application will last all winter long and will be up to 95% effective. Deer Pro is only available for licensed professionals and will leave a light green color on your plants that will fade away in the early spring. We also have a clear All-Natural Deer Repellent Spraying Service option however it must be applied monthly. Our effective treatments work by both taste and smell. A smell that only deer can detect. Most other deer control products on the market simply do not work.
Another option would be to install deer netting instead of spraying. Deer netting is somewhat difficult to install but can be effective if installed properly....
Start protecting your landscape plants from winter damage with an anti-desiccant spray! Winter damage to evergreen trees and shrubs is caused by desiccation or drying out. Once the ground freezes plant roots are unable to take up water from the soil. Plants are then forced to use the water stored in their needles, leaves, and stems. Harsh cold dry winter winds and freezing temps will also dry out the water that plants need to survive. This loss of essential plant moisture leads to winter plant damage or even death.
An anti-desiccant spray professionally applied to evergreen trees and shrubs will help hold in this vital moisture throughout the winter. If you have problems with winter plant damage in your landscape the experts at 1.888.Lawntec suggests spraying an anti-desiccant.
Anti-desiccants sprays can also be called antitranspirant spray, winter wilt proofing spray, or winter protection spray. The application will provide a protective coating that conserves the amount of water that escapes from the plant. These are usually one time applications applied in the early winter, December is ideal. In areas with longer and colder winters, like New Jersey, anti-desiccants are most effective when applied twice, once in November/December and again in February. However, this can get tricky since temps must be above freezing to make an effective application.
Anti-desiccant sprays go on...
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